Convergent Technologies is pleased to announce the launch of Convergys® Urostar 100 urine strips analyzer.
Convergys® Urostar 100 urine strip analyzerwith the “flex-time” feature is a creative and versatile urinalysis solution for a small to medium-size laboratory, a physician’s practice, a mobile ambulance and a Point of Care (POC) application as well.
Main features:
- Reflectance photometer with 3 x LEDs (470, 540 and 650 nm)
- A throughput of 60 tests/hour with internal incubation and 240 tests/hour with external incubation using “flex-time” feature. Auto-calibration at every start or as per operator’s request with Grey Control Strips (included with Convergys® Urostar 100). For more accurate results the creatinine albumin strips contains a six-digit calibration code
- User-friendly menu structure
- Applicable parameters: Specific Gravity, Leucocytes, Nitrite, pH, Protein, Glucose, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin, Blood, Creatinine, Microalbumin, and Albumin to Creatinine ratio
- Automatic strip configuration recognition
- Lightweight and portable: affords ease-of-use for POC applications (works with 6 x 1.5V AA batteries)
- “Add a comment” feature to insert remarks for each measured parameter
- RS 232 and USB ports for LIS, Barcode Reader, Keyboard and PC connection
Convergys® Urostar 100 shall be displayed at Medica in Hall 3 Stand B45.